Message From Hardin School District
Hardin Families,
I am pleased to announce that Hardin Schools has kicked off a partnership with Parent
As Parents and Guardians in our district, you can now go to their website to sign up for individual parent coaching (INFO) at no cost. Just click "Get Started" then enter "Montana" and "Hardin School District" when prompted. You will have access to a dedicated expert to help with any aspect of parenting you'd like support or advice on.
Also included in this message is the Parent Guidance September Newsletter. We will share these monthly newsletters through our various means of communication each month.
We are also partnering with Parent Guidance to host monthly Mental Health Nights, with the first event taking place on September 28th, focusing on School Avoidance. These Mental Health Nights are virtual so if you are in one of our outlying communities you do not have to come in to Hardin!
Attached are the details for the September event; you can also register directly by clicking HERE.
For the full schedule of the monthly events please click HERE.
Finally, we are in the process of revamping our school website and communication tools. I would love to receive feedback from you as to how we can make our our lines of communication more convenient and user friendly for our families. Please email me at: with any suggestions
Thank you for the opportunity to work with your children,
Tobin Novasio