tax credit

Montana now allows tax credits for qualified education contributions, available to individual and business taxpayers who make donations to eligible education organizations. This is not just a deduction but a “dollar for dollar” tax credit that keeps your tax dollars in our community benefiting our children!

Taxpayers donate directly to the school district; we report the donation to the Montana Department of Revenue. Once the donation is preapproved, the school will provide the donor with a confirmation number and a tax credit receipt that includes the amount of the approved credit. Any tax liability you owe the state will be reduced by the donated amount. Donors must report the confirmation number and include the receipt when they file their tax return. Donations made this year can be used to offset your 2025 (and beyond) tax year liabilities.

Each tax credit is equal to the amount a taxpayer donates up to $200,000 per taxpayer per credit. These credits are not refundable, but can be carried forward for up to three years.

Tax year credits are subject to an aggregate threshold each tax year, this year that amount is $6M statewide. The total aggregate tax credit is available on a first-come, first-served basis and the belief is that this limit will be reached quickly. Schools can begin submitting donations to the state on the morning of January 15th, we highly recommend any potential donations be pledged prior to this date.

If interested, please reach out to our Business Office or your tax preparer for additional information! (406) 665-9300