$2 OPEN SWIM TONIGHT 5:00-8:00PM. Come cool off after Crow Fair and enjoy a night of fun swim. This is not like past open swim events. Just a longer open swim session. Open to the public starting at 5pm. 2 dollars per person. No lap swim this evening. Showers and exercise facility are open all day.
Hardin High School Open House
Come join us on August 27th from 5-7 p.m.
Girls Flag Football- Those girls that will be in the 8th-12th grades and would like to play come on Monday Aug 19th at 4:00 pm.
FB and XC practices start Aug 16th at the HS at 8 am, VB practice will start Aug 19th at 8 am in MS Gym Flag FB practice will start Aug 19th at 4pm at HS.
The Golf season is postponed and will not take place.
Cheer has not been decided yet, will post more at a later date
“Hardin Primary School’s supply list is now available! Join us for our K-2nd grade ‘Open House’ on Thursday, August 22nd, from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Students are welcome to bring their school supplies to the open house.”
Parents of Bus Students,
If your child is going to ride the bus we will need to a completed Bus Form on file for this school year.
Forms are available at your child's school or at the District Office.
If your our child is going to to ride on the first day of school, we will need a completed form by 4:00 Wednesday!
Crow Agency School registration open. Parents of current students- please come in and update forms!
LIFETOUCH Pictures for Hardin High School! On August 27th, we will have LIFETOUCH Pictures taken. Since it will be the first day of school for all students, you can order using this picture day ID or the code: Picture ID = EVTR7ZFSH or use your phone camera to scan the code below.
You will be able to order online after pictures are taken also.
Football, Cross Country: Practices start this Friday Aug 16th
Volleyball, Girls Flag: Practice starts Monday Aug 19th
Make sure you have all your paperwork in before practice begins! Forms can be picked up from front office.
Supply list for the middle school 24/25
Crow Agency School is still looking for a school nurse for the 24-25 school year. Check out the District website for more information!
Crow Fair showers are available at the Hardin Community Activity Center. Daily prices for shower usage. Towels are available for rent. Showers are available Monday-Thursday this week during normal operating hours (6:00am-8:00pm). We will be running special hours Friday-Sunday for showers. Our pools, spa, and workout area will be closed to public Starting Friday at 12pm and will remain closed through the weekend. Thank you!
Please see the attached agenda for next week's Board of Trustees meeting: https://www.hardin.k12.mt.us/agenda
There is an error on the school calendar for middle school football. Equipment checkout, paperwork, and position tryouts will begin on Aug. 20 through the 22nd from 4:00-6:30. These are not mandatory practices but encouraged. The first official practice will be Aug. 26th.
Middle school orientation will be Thursday Aug. 22nd. 5:00-6:00 6th grade and new student tours of the school. 6:00-7:00 7th and 8th grade orientation in the auditorium. We look forward to seeing you.
Volleyball Parent/Athlete meeting Tuesday Aug 13th 5:30pm HS Study Hall room.
Attention New and Returning High School Football players!!!!
Parent/Athlete Meeting: Tuesday, August 13th @ 6:30pm in the High School Commons. Use front entrance of High School. Information about the season and practice schedule will be shared. This meeting is required for anyone playing football this year!
1st day of practice: Friday, August 16th at 8am @ Football fields.
Prior to the first day of practice, an athlete must have on file in the Activities Office:
1. A copy of his/her Sports Physical (The physical examination must be dated after May 1
of the previous school year and certified by a doctor for the upcoming/current school
2. Concussion form
3. Medical form and signed handbook in order to be considered eligible for practice or
participation in a sport/activity.
HS Musicians! Pep Band and Cover Band Practices August 19th. Pep Band at 7:00 PM and Cover Band at 8:00 PM in the MS band room.
Any aspiring Middle School Musicians can join us at the Beginner Band "Head Start" on August 14 from 1:00 to 3:00 in the MS Band Room.
Crow Agency School new student registration and kindergarten roundup tomorrow from 8-4 in the cafeteria!
First day of school is August 26th!