Hardin Community Activity Center Homecoming hours!! Go Bulldogs!! Happy Homecoming
4 months ago, Sarah Passes
Honor Choir and Band
4 months ago, Hardin Public Schools
Bingo for Books at Hardin Intermediate Gym this evening Tuesday September 24th starting at 6pm. Come have some fun with you kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews.
4 months ago, Leda Good Luck
Homecoming Parade Route
4 months ago, Deanna Albert
Parade Route
HOMECOMING ANNOUNCEMENT: Reminder that there are no Homecoming deliveries to any of the Hardin School District schools. Thank you!
4 months ago, Deanna Albert
The middle school will have an open house Thursday night from 4:00-7:00 for any parents that want to come in to check how things are going. There will also be a Native American fashion show in the auditorium at 6:30.
4 months ago, Mike Flamm
open house
Homecoming Week- The Athletic Dept. has old FB, VB, WR jerseys and warmups for sale $5 a piece. Stop by the AD's Office to pick up some retro gear to wear and support the Bulldogs!
4 months ago, Travis Krieger
Thank you toThe Apsaalooke Nation Lady Warriors for attending our Native American Day Powwow and honoring the flags. They're all United States Army Veterans; Janice Snell presenting the American flag, Laurie Kindness presenting the Montana flag, Jessica Old Elk with the Crow flag, and Sonya Goes Ahead honoring the POW flag. Harry Rock Above, a US Army veteran, followed suit. We also extend our gratitude to Rose Diebert, a Navy veteran, for her assistance in organizing the veterans to join us for our event. A'ho
4 months ago, Bianka Rock Above
At the Hardin Native American powwow last Friday, students had the chance to take part in the Push Dance Contest, sponsored by local organizations. Congratulations to our student winners! Thank you to our Drum Groups: Wolf Bear, Wranglers, Sound Dogs and Mighty Few. We extend our gratitude to our sponsors: MSU Bozeman: The Guardians of the Living Water Program, Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council, Lammers Trading Post, and Custer Battlefield Trading Post. A special thanks to our Master of Ceremonies, Corky Old Horn, and our Arena Directors, Kenny Shane and Kevin Shane. We also want to acknowledge and thank our wonderful staff and volunteers, Joire Chavez, Tina Pretty On Top, Mary Iron, Lana Stands, Autumn Whiteman, Sunny Reed Gardner and Verleen Holds The Enemy who get all the dancers ready for every powwow event. A'ho
4 months ago, Bianka Rock Above
Great job to our 2024-2025 Hardin District School Royalty in representing at our powwow! They include Kindergarten Readiness Center Princess Mahalz Plenty Hoops Hardin Primary School Princess Mylah Ten Bear Hardin Intermediate School Princess Darian Holds Enemy Crow Agency Public School Elenna Carlson Hardin Middle School Princess Brylei Old Bull Hardin High school Princess Francisca Funke Hardin Academy Phenocia Old Horn. A huge thank you to our visiting 2025 Crow Fair Royalty and our other visitng royalty. A'ho
4 months ago, Bianka Rock Above
The Hardin School District's Native American Powwow was a resounding success this past Friday! A heartfelt thank you to the dancers, students, staff, administrators, and school board and community for making it happen. We were able to squeeze 8 schools into the gymnasium, bringing together over 1,000 students who had the opportunity to witness a truly great event. We also appreciate the visiting schools from St. Charles and Pryor for dancing proudly alongside our students. Thank you to everyone who supported this event. A'ho!
4 months ago, Bianka Rock Above
Crow Agency School Dress Up Native American & Homecoming Week starting tomorrow September 23, 2024
4 months ago, Bianka Rock Above
Dear families, Hello. I got this group started to give our 9th through 12th graders a chance to travel to Washington and New York City in June of 2025. Adults are also welcome. Please read all the information provided. If you have any questions, please text them to my cell phone @ 406-679-4446. Thank you, Ruby Zier Enroll now with this link: www.efexploreamerica.com/2811367YJ **Space is limited, and is first-come, first-served! Once you enroll, you will have access to your individual fundraising page and will be able to apply for academic credit. Still have questions? EF's Traveler Support Team can help through their online chat at https://www.efexploreamerica.com/contact-us or by phone at 888-333-9756. And if your student has friends who have not signed up yet, feel free to pass this message along to their families too. Thanks everyone! Ruby Zier
4 months ago, Hardin Public Schools
Washington DC trip 2
Washington DC Trip
Washington DC savings
Powwow Location Change We would like to inform you that the Native American Powwow has been moved to the Hardin High School Gymnasium due to wet grass on the football field. New Details: Date: Friday, September 20, 2024 Time: 9:30 Location: Hardin High School Gymnasium We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. We look forward to seeing you there! A'ho
4 months ago, Bianka Rock Above
Hardin Primary Dress Up Week & Homecoming Student Delivery Reminder!
4 months ago, Roxanne Not Afraid
Homecoming Dress up
Student Deliveries
Homecoming information
4 months ago, Deanna Albert
JV FB- Game Added Monday September 30th at Fergus 5:00 PM
4 months ago, Travis Krieger
Crow Elementary Picture Day is Thursday, Sept.19th. For more information about Picture Day, check out the flyer sent home or visit: https://schools.lifetouch.com/for-your-families/
4 months ago, Sherry Foote
Crow Agency Picture Day
Crow Agency Homecoming Week: Monday September 23 Girls - Ribbon Skirt Day Boys - Native Design/Tribal Emblem Shirt Tuesday September 24 Girls - Elk Tooth/Medallion Necklace Boys - Scarf/Bolo Tie Native Pride Day Wednesday September 25 Wear your Clan Color Day Thursday September 26 Cowboy/Cowgirl or Indian Relay Rider Day Friday September 27 Bulldog Colors Orange & Black Day
4 months ago, Sherry Foote
Got burning questions about parenting, relationships, or your child's well-being? Join us tonight for Ask a Therapist Live with our renowned family therapist, Dr. Kevin Skinner. Participants anonymously submit questions to receive thoughtful, personalized answers. Wednesday, September 18; 6pm Attend for Free, Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LmiCYhwgQd6AfHCPutPueg?utm_campaign=Ask%20a%20Therapist%20Live&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9icpJiucSZGmj5B8qLGZhJX46_HSJTbXJz_uHEz6u_1XdR4mul-50B0s22rIb1mvuZHtvEUnvVhlmrE3IdKL2RWFXMPzMIRoTWuUKfT0M4Qjqpu7Q&_hsmi=325110495&utm_content=325110495&utm_source=hs_email#/registration Ask a Therapist Live gives you direct access to clinical expertise without the wait list. Ask a therapist any question about youth mental health or parenting Participation is anonymous Register for the live event to get access to the replay Your relationship with your child is the most important thing. Attend this free webinar to improve it.
4 months ago, Hardin School District