Old Time Doll Making Class
about 1 year ago, Leda Good Luck
Old Time Doll
Christmas Crafts ~ Hardin Schools
about 1 year ago, Leda Good Luck
Christmas Craft
You're Invited to the HHS & HMS Christmas Program
about 1 year ago, Hardin Public Schools
Christmas Program Invite
Middle School Ski trip is Wednesday, December 6th. Bus leaves promptly at 6:00 AM and will return at approximately 5:30 PM. Students are on their own for lunch. Please bring a lunch or money to purchase a lunch.
over 1 year ago, Mike Flamm
Christmas Family Fun Night! Please join Hardin Schools, the YES Coalition and Big Horn Prevention for this fun night of family activities on Friday December 22nd from 6 to 7 in the High School Commons. Only 50 gingerbread house kits are available, so plan to get there early! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xw2_SFhGO_mia7A14nbb-yscd1VNISea/view?usp=share_link
over 1 year ago, Hardin School District
Christmas Craft at Crow School was a success!! Parents and kids all had fun!
over 1 year ago, Leda Good Luck
Christmas Crafts
Congratulations to Bulldog coaches Cindy Farmer and Kelsey Torske on being honored as the Montana Coaches Association "Coach of the Year" for their sports. Coach Farmer has been recognized with this honor a second consecutive year for Class A Girls' Cross Country. Coach Torske was honored as the Class A Volleyball "Coach of the Year" following her first year as a Head Coach. Great job ladies! We are proud of you and our Bulldog student-athletes!
over 1 year ago, Hardin School District
The middle school will be handing out midterm grade reports to the students on Wednesday and Thursday of this week to bring home.
over 1 year ago, Mike Flamm
Mr. Flamm's Motto
Crow School Literacy Night with our Apsaalooke Educators was a success last week. Stay tuned for the next event.
over 1 year ago, Bianka Rock Above
over 1 year ago, Leda Good Luck
Storytelling Night at CAPS!! Thursday, November 30th at 5:30PM
over 1 year ago, Amberly Howe- Federal Programs Director
CAPS Storytelling Night
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3tU8T5U Download for iPhone https://apple.co/49j5sG3
over 1 year ago, Hardin Public Schools, MT
It's everything Hardin Public Schools in your pocket
Wednesday night - Mental Health Online Counseling - 6:30-7:30
over 1 year ago, Mike Flamm
Mental Health Night - Grief
Please see the agenda for next Tuesday's Board of Trustees meeting: https://sites.google.com/hardin.k12.mt.us/hardin-school-board/home
over 1 year ago, Tobin Novasio
Hardin Schools would like to recognize Children’s Grief Awareness Day. This day reminds us that childhood bereavement is all too common. In the United States, 1 in 12 children will lose a parent or sibling by the time they reach 18 years of age. Almost all children—about 90%—will experience the death of a close family member or friend. We as educators have an enormous opportunity to improve outcomes for students by demonstrating an awareness of grief experiences and offering support. We also know that our community has seen more than its' share of loss including our youth and want to offer resources to help process these losses. Please visit this for more information: https://www.childrensgriefawarenessday.org/cgad2/index.shtml Additionally we invite you to join us on November 29th for our next Mental health Night focusing on Grief and the Healing Process After Loss.
over 1 year ago, Tobin Novasio
PG - Grief
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Hardin Public Schools! It's everything Hardin Public Schools, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3tU8T5U Download for iPhone https://apple.co/49j5sG3
over 1 year ago, Hardin Public Schools, MT
It's everything Hardin Public Schools in your pocket
Please see the agenda for next Tuesday's Board of Trustees meeting: https://sites.google.com/hardin.k12.mt.us/hardin-school-board/home
over 1 year ago, Tobin Novasio
Hardin Board Meeting
Indian Parent Advisory Committee Election!! Meeting tonight - 11/21 - 5:30 - District Office
over 1 year ago, Amberly Howe- Federal Programs Director
IPAC Election
Upcoming Mental Health Night! 6:30 November 29th Grief - The Healing Process After Loss
over 1 year ago, Tobin Novasio
Grief Mental Health Night
Hardin Kindergarten Readiness Center parent teacher conferences November 8th and 9th (4-7 pm). If you haven't made an appointment, please call the KRC.
over 1 year ago, Taylor Sidwell