Join us at the Family Engagement Center January 17, 2024 Parent Guidance ~ "What Parents need to know about Suicide Prevention 6:30pm-7:30pm Dinner will be provided!
about 1 year ago, Leda Good Luck
Parent Guidance
Please see the agenda for next Tuesday's Board of Trustees meeting:
about 1 year ago, Hardin School District
Caregiver Respite Retreat The retreat involves four modules. focusing on social, mental health, nutrition/physical activity and stress reduction for the participants The modules allow you to be a part of a social group and learn new techniques to improve your mental health and well-being. Lunch will be provided and participants will receive a $100 Visa gift care Space is limited!!
about 1 year ago, Leda Good Luck
The BBB & GBB teams are scheduled to play in Hardin on Saturday starting at 1:00 pm. C squads will play in HMS. JV & V will play in HHS. Go Bulldogs!
about 1 year ago, Deanna Albert
Mark Mindt a Certified Educator from North Dakota is an enrolled citizen of the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation. He has been writing, illustrating, and publishing a graphic novel series entitled KODA the Warrior since 1999. He traveled throughout North America to bring KODA to schools focusing on Improving Attendance, Supporting Positive Behaviors, and Achieving Academic Goals. This week he is working with the 3rd-5th Graders of Hardin Intermediate School on a writer’s workshop and creating their very own comic books. Thank you, Mark Mindt, for taking time to come to Montana and spend some time with our students. A’ho Special Thanks to Lacey Gonzales, Project Director of Tribal Opioid Response with Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council in making this happen for our students. A’ho
about 1 year ago, Bianka Rock Above
Koda the Warrior
Koda the Warrior
Koda the Warrior
Koda the Warrior
Koda the Warrior
Koda the Warrior
Thank you to our partners Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council for your support in bringing KODA to the Hardin Intermediate School this week January 3-5, 2024. A'ho
about 1 year ago, Bianka Rock Above
KODA the Warrior
Looking for a different job? Want to start the new year off with a new opportunity? Ready to join a great team? Hardin Schools is looking for employees in a wide range of positions. If you are interested just fill out this form: and we will reach out if we think we have a position that would be a good fit or when something opens up!
about 1 year ago, Hardin School District
White H
The Hardin School District has been selected to participate in a groundbreaking program offered through The Jed Foundation (JED) and AASA, The School Superintendents Association. The District Comprehensive Approach (DCA) program is a groundbreaking program that guides districts across the country in a transformational program to support the emotional well-being of preK–12 students. For more information on the DCA program, visit JED’s website.
about 1 year ago, Hardin School District
Hardin Public Schools is leading the way in making 21st century learning a reality for all students. We are actively engaging diverse perspectives from our staff, students, and broader community in developing a Portrait of a Graduate, a collective vision that articulates our shared aspirations for every student. Our district recruited a dynamic Portrait Design Team that is diverse and represents all aspects of our community—including students—to help co-design the Portrait. Through this process, we’ll work with our community to ask: What are the hopes, aspirations, and dreams that our community has for our young people? What are the skills and mindsets our children need for success in this rapidly changing and complex world? What are the implications for the learning experiences we provide in our school systems? Now more than ever, learning experiences for our students must not only provide for the acquisition of rigorous academic content, but must also foster critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and other 21st century skills and mindsets our students need to thrive. Please see the district website for additional information.
about 1 year ago, Tobin Novasio
H logo
CAPS 2023 Christmas program
about 1 year ago, Hardin Public Schools
CAPS Christmas
Full house for the Fort Smith Elementary Holiday Program. Thank you to everyone that helped make it a success.
about 1 year ago, Fort Smith Elementary
Fort Smith Holiday Program
Christmas Program today at Crow Agency School! PK-2 start at 12:00 3-5 start at 1:30
about 1 year ago, Angela Keltner
Fill out the Johnson O'Malley (JOM) Community Survey 23-24 and your email will be put into a drawing for Bulldog gear!! The Indian Parent/Guardian JOM Community Survey 23-24 is located in the Federal Programs page under departments on the Hardin School District website.
about 1 year ago, Amberly Howe- Federal Programs Director
You're Invited to the Fort Smith Elementary Holiday Program. Wednesday December 20th at 6:15 in the Fort Smith gym.
about 1 year ago, Fort Smith Elementary
Please see the agenda for next Tuesday's Board of Trustees meeting:
about 1 year ago, Hardin School District
You're Invited to the Hardin Kindergarten Readiness Center Holiday Program. Friday December 15th at 11:00 in the Middle School Auditorium.
about 1 year ago, Kindergarten Readiness Center
Impact Aid Open Meeting is POSTPONED until January 10, 2024!!
about 1 year ago, Amberly Howe- Federal Programs Director
IA Open Meeting
Join the HHS Drama Club for their Christmas Stroll on Saturday and Sunday from 2:00-6:00 PM in the High School Commons.
about 1 year ago, Hardin School District
Christmas Stroll
Hardin families, this morning we received notification of a suspicious individual in the school area. Schools were put in lockdown while we worked with law enforcement to determine when it was safe to resume normal operations. We will continue to have additional safety precautions in place for the remainder of the day.
about 1 year ago, Tobin Novasio
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Hardin Public Schools, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
about 1 year ago, Hardin Public Schools, MT
it's everything Hardin Public Schools in your pocket